Week Five Prayer Guide


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God wants each of us to have a yearning for Him, a longing to spend time in His presence. Many of the things we long for provide temporary satisfaction and fulfillment. But time spent with God meets the deepest need of our soul and provides for us what can never be taken away. Express to God your longing for Him. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for always inviting me into your presence. Please plant within me a yearning for you that can only be relieved by being alone in your presence. May I long for you more than food, more than drink, more than money, more than sleep, more than any pleasure of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read Psalm 42:1-2; Psalm 73:25-28.


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Do you ever feel the tension between being a witness to those you love and hoping you won’t injure the relationship? It’s a tightrope we walk when we try to share our faith with family members and close friends. Ask God to give you boldness and wisdom to share the truth in love. We need both. 

Holy Spirit, you are the source of my power to share Jesus. Please give me boldness to overcome my fears, but also give me wisdom to know when and how to share. You alone know the clearest path to the front door of someone’s heart. Use me as your witness in the lives of those I love who are lost. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read Ephesians 6:18-20.


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Although this is the final week of our prayer emphasis, would you commit today to keep praying for our church in the future, even daily? Can we even imagine how God is waiting—even longing—to pour out His best blessings on a congregation whose members cry out daily for their church? Please keep praying!

Lord Jesus, thank you for this built-in reminder these five Wednesdays to pray for our church. I know that prayer is the secret to our church’s readiness to experience your favor, your protection, your provision, and everything you want us to have. I want to be an ongoing prayer warrior for FBA. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read Acts 2:42; Acts 12:5-12.


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It is highly unlikely that the Founders of our country intended for government and politics to dominate our lives like they do today. Simply put, if we allowed it to, it would consume us. God wants us to pray for our nation. But don’t forget, as believers in Jesus, we are citizens of “a holy nation.”

Dear God, as we draw close to such a consequential election, we humbly and desperately pray that your will be done. But we thank you that our status, our future, our security, and our welfare do not depend on this election, but rather, they depend on you as our ever faithful, all-sufficient, loving Father! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read 1 Peter 2:4-10.


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If you were asked to describe the greatest need in the world today, how would you respond? Would you speak of the environment, the climate, fresh water, nutrition, sustainability, or peace among nations? If we were to ask God that question, His answer would be simple and unequivocal: “The world needs Jesus.”

Gracious Lord, always bring my mind and heart back to the simple truth that more than anything else, the people of our world need Jesus. As we steward the environment, meet physical needs, and try to alleviate suffering around the world, remind us that salvation in Jesus is the greatest need of all. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read John 3:16-21.


btn prayer guide week five